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Download Android Hacking & Security Apps - Series 3

Download Android Hacking & Security Apps - Series 3 - a lot of websites that discuss information about gadgets, including this blog Fun Gadget World we discuss all the information from various brands of gadgets, from the old to the latest, which is very dear if you miss, now we discuss first about Download Android Hacking & Security Apps - Series 3 we have collect lots of data to create this article so that you get complete information, so please read it:

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Download Android Hacking & Security Apps - Series 3

In this android hacking tricks and security apps series you get website tools for android mobile.With this web security tools you can analyze and scan website.This series is diffrent from other because you get android apk tools for website hacking and security.
First you check our previous post for Android Hacking and Security Apps Series.
Download Android Hacking and Security Apps Series 1
Download Android Hacking and Security Apps Series 2
These android hacking apps convert your android mobile into website hacking machine.You can hack and make a whole website from these android tools.
Download Android Hacking & Security Apps - Series 3

Top 7-9 Best Free Android Hacking and Security Apps

Droidsqli Android Sql Injection

DroidSQLi is the first automated MySQL Injection tool for Android. It allows you to test your MySQL-based web application against SQL injection attacks.
Droidsqli Android Sql Injection

DroidSQLi supports the following injection techniques:

Time based injection

Blind injection

Error based injection

Normal injection

It automatically selects the best technique to use and employs some simple filter evasion methods. 

Legal notice: this application is for educational purposes ONLY. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Use at your own risk! 

Slowdroid DDos Tool 

SlowDroid is a necessary security testing tool for network administrator.
Slowdroid allows security professionals to simulate a DOS attack (A http post flood attack to be exact) and of course a dDOS on a web server, from mobile phones.You can perform a ddos attack on any website from this android app.


- multi-protocol (SlowDroid is able to affect HTTP, FTP, email, SSH, file sharing, etc...)
- tiny amount of bandwidth needed
- tiny CPU and RAM usage
- transparent to server logs during the test execution; logs are usually updated once SlowDroid is interrupted
Base settings to execute a SlowDroid test:
slowdroid website ddos tool

How to use it:

- "Server IP Address" is the name or ip address of the server to be tested;
- "Port" is the port number of the listening service on the server;
- "Connections" identifies number of contemporary connections; to reach the DoS state try to augment this number;
- "Wait Timeout": how often to send characters between client and server.
SlowDroid is by far better than LOIC, Slowloris, Slow Read, Apache Range Headers, and many others.
It's a great Denial of Service testing tool!
Just try it on your own Apache server, for example!

SlowDroid is particularly effective if executed from a mobile phone, since it uses a tiny amount of network bandwidth to generate a Denial of Service on the server to be tested.

KSWEB :Make Your Android Mobile as Web Server and Host a Full Website On It

Your Android Device is more powerful than you think.You can host a website on Android Mobile Smartphone and make him a web server.
KSWEB :Make Your Android Mobile as Web Server and Host a Full Website On It

You can use any Android device as a full fledged web server that’s accessible either on LAN or from anywhere on the Internet. With an Android web server, developers can easily test their code without paying for a hosting service. Freelancers can carry a copy of the web tools they’ve built with them to show their clients. Home and small office users can even set up custom web tools for users on the local network.

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Related : Download Android Hacking & Security Apps - Series 3

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